Wading Through...

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Quentin: 13-14 Months

Dirty dirty park baby

Modeling his new towel

Loves his new animals

Silly boy

Likes: Animals of every kind, cars, playing with Arthur, snuggles and tickles, playing catch and chase

"Reading" his new book

Selfie at a fun party

Someone's tired

Finally loving the play place

Dislikes: Getting his hair washed, nap time, being kept out of the bathroom


Birthday party time!

First time on the carousel

Wearing all the beads

Sleeping: Finally on a decent sleeping schedule. He goes to bed at around 8pm and wakes up at around 7am. Every once in a while he wakes before midnight, but goes back down easily. And he's been napping almost daily. Goes down around 1pm and wakes up anywhere from 2:30 to 5pm.

Riding the train

Costume party!

New way to "read"

At the park!

Eating: Starting to see some picky eating, but overall still a great eater. He especially loves pretzels and fruit right now.

Posing in the pumpkin patch

Playing at the park

Someone loves sand!

Halloween Night

Playing: So much playing in this house! Quentin loves getting into all the toys and hard playing with Arthur. His favorites right now are the musical instruments and cars. 

Someone lost a sock...

Exploring at CDM

Such pretty lights

Someone's a little tired

Milestones: About a month ago, he started walking. Right on time if comparing him to Arthur. He also mastered the level door handles this week. Not great news for me, but yeah for his development. He also learned how to clap right around his birthday and has started pointing at things he wants. 

Snack time

Shopping day!

Loves the swings

Such a handsome boy!

Out and About: So many outings! I'm so glad that Quentin is a great traveler as we go anywhere and everywhere. His favorite places right now are the library and the park (specifically Seven Seas). He has also enjoyed going to CDM for the first time.

Exploring the play place

Stealing Arthur's water

Playground time!

Loves carrying around his chair. Weird, I know.

Next up on the TBR Pile: