Wading Through...

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April 2017 Life Goals

Let’s check in on March’s goals and my progress.

  • 30 Day Challenge: New greeting cards every day — Success!
  • Have a day alone in San Francisco for my birthday — Success! It was so much fun! I think I need to make this at least a twice a year thing...
  • Read 2000 pages —Success! I read over 3500 pages in March. Such a good reading month.
  • Read my library books and don’t check out any more (except for the few holds) —Success! I managed to drop off library books and not check out any more.
  • Start Q on solids  — Success! He started with avocado and has since branched out to other solids.
  • Plan a family day —Success! We went to the California Academy of Sciences yesterday. First time for J and the boys. In April, I'm thinking something more low key. Maybe a picnic at Ardenwood.

April's Goals: Overall April's a big month for me. I've got some big home changes, lots of purchases, and some other big decisions.

  • Read 3000 pages -- Going to try and keep the momentum going.
  • Figure out the little boys' room situation -- Quentin needs to vacate the twins' room and Arthur needs to give back Alex's mattress by mid-May. Trying to decide what bed configuration we are going to use.
  • Buy Quentin a convertible carseat -- My crazy long baby has just about topped out of the infant bucket seat. Should be go with the all-in-one Graco or a cheaper convertible seat of whichever brand. Decisions decisions...
  • Revisit the car situation -- Obviously we have to do something before the twins arrive, but I would this to be decided in April. Sick of contorting myself to get kiddos in and out of the nonexistent backseat in the Mini.
  • Take of Twins' stuff -- We have to decide on school stuff, summer dates, and plane tickets. Hoping to tackle this all in April.