Quentin: 2 Months/8-9 Weeks
Guess who's already 2 months already? That's right, this stinky guy!
Likes: Arthur, snuggles, his play mat, lights, being outside, baths
Dislikes: Diaper changes, not being held, daddy's coughs and sneezes
Sleeping: Oh man! Q's still not a great sleeper. He's done a few 5 hour stretches at night, but not consistently. Some nights, he's still up every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. We haven't figured out a pattern to his crazy...
Eating: Up to 6 ounce bottles although he seems to like to snack during the day instead of eating it all at once
Playing: We've been doing more play mat and tummy time. He tolerates tummy time for about 5 minutes before dissolving into crying. The play mat is interesting for a little while. Arthur keeps trying to give him the stuffed Tigger and rubber ducks. A doesn't quite understand why the baby won't take the toys. We're working on it... But Q is much more interested in the world around him.
Doctor Visit Stats: Two month visit this morning!
- Length: 24 3/4"
- Weight: 13lbs 7 oz
Milestones: Two weeks ago, Q started talking and smiling! So excited to start to see more personality and growth. He loves talking to momma and Arthur. Lots of cooing in the morning during breakfast. He also grew out of most of his 0-3 and 3 month clothing. We're into 3-6 or 6 month onsies and 3-6 pants. The dog sleeper below is officially too small. He doesn't fill it out, but it's definitely too short. Q's too tall!
Schedule: Starting to see more of a pattern during the day. He's up and happy from about 6 or 6:30 until 9 or so. Then he naps until lunch time or so. The afternoon is a bit different each day, but he usually takes a big nap before dinner and wakes right when I sit down to eat. Baby radar!!! We've been taking him upstairs to sleep in his crib sometime around 9 or 10pm.
Out and About: In the past two weeks, we've not been many places. The entire family came down with a nasty cold that lasted for over a week. In fact, J and Arthur are still suffering from a bit of a cough. Q and I seem to have gotten better pretty quickly. Beyond that, we've run a few errands, but mostly stuck close to home. We did venture to the mall to meet a friend for lunch last Monday. Arthur had fun playing in the indoor playground and Q enjoyed looking at all the things.