Wading Through...

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Quentin: 7 Weeks

Likes: Being in the baby carrier, "talking" to mommy, being outside

Dislikes: Gas, being cold, diaper changes

Sleeping: Still very spotty. He hasn't slept more than 3 hours at any time. I think he's getting easier to go back down to sleep after feedings in the middle of the night. But that could just be me being optimistic.

Eating: Mister pIggy piggy has been eating a ton this week. Q's probably on the verge of a growth spurt. Otherwise I have no idea where he's putting all the food.

Playing: He's starting to look at more things and being interested in the world around him. Arthur can't wait until Q actually plays with him. A few more months...

Milestones: Q's started "talking" to people. I love the coos and gurgles he's making this week. And he's on the verge of rolling over with intent. Maybe next week.

Schedule: Still no real schedule. However, he's been awake more often during the day with a "morning nap" about 8am.

Out and About: This week's plan went up in flames. Q had horrible sleep Sunday to Monday and I developed a horrible migraine that lasted throughout the day. So no Oakland Zoo for us on Monday. We spent most of the week at home. Friday we ventured out to the Chabot Space and Science Center. We have a membership and it's only about 20 minutes from home. Perfect for a visit with friends. Saturday Q accompanied me at the Holiday Bazaar. I was helping out a mom friend selling our homemade greeting cards. Sunday both boys went with me to host Coffee and Cards at Panera and to a visit at Target.