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Blog-Tember Day 18: A Lifesaver

Prompt: One product that simplifies your life.

The key to simplifying my life is list making! I need to make sure that I know my schedule and my tasks. Otherwise my life would fall apart. My one product is actually a combination of three different products that work in tandem: Evernote, The Happy Planner, and a Moleskine Notebook. I use Evernote to plan out my blog posts and Project Life ideas. I can quickly pull up my schedule and see what needs to be finished. You can see an example of my Craft Blog schedule below. I have two notes for each month, one for the life blog and one for the craft blog. I list out my weeks and add my proposed post title. If the post hasn't been created in the blog, it gets an asterisk at the end. After the post is completed, I strikethrough the title. This helps me stay organized on the blog side.

My next life organizing product is The Happy Planner by MAMBI. I love having a planner, but found that just an electronic one didn't work for me. I need the physical product to help me. Enter The Happy Planner. I've been using mine since July 2015 and continue to love it. I can quickly flip to a month view or a weekly view to see my activities and appointments and tasks. I also use the planner to help meal plan. I decided the best way to do meal planning was to create post-it flags with all the regular dishes. I can then tentatively plan each week out but still be able to move them around if needed.

The last project is a simple Moleskine. I tried to do a complete bullet journal in a Moleskine but found that I needed Evernote and The Happy Planner to round out my life. But I still needed a place to to keeps lists, project planning, and collections. Enter the simple Moleskine. An example below is my spending log for part of September.

The Moleskine goes with me wherever I go. Sometimes I add things in there and then transfer to one of my other projects. But in reality they all work together to keep my life simplified and on track.