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Blog-Tember Day 15: Adventure Time

Prompt: What is the craziest adventure you've ever been on?

My craziest adventure was a trip I took all the way back in 2000. For our senior year of high school's spring break, two friends and I took the train all the from Indiana to NYC for a week of adventures and shenanigans. I don't think we slept more than 20 hours that whole week. Me being the uber planner created a detailed itinerary for each day. This ensured that we actually got to see the things we wanted to see in the city but it left plenty of room for crazy side trips and misadventures. Among the weirdness from that trip, we:

  • made friends with the Albanian bell hop at the hotel. Very strange!
  • spent almost all night talking to the cast of the live action Rocky Horror Picture Show in Greenwich Village
  • watched the aurora borealis on the beach at Coney Island with a bunch of amateur astronomists
  • ordered and received a bottle of wine at a small Indonesian restaurant
  • took a super sketchy subway ride late night in the Brooklyn
  • got lost a countless number of times
  • score front row orchestra seats to see Aida, and met the cast afterwards including the lead Heather Headley who graduated from our rival high school!
  • ate crap, but managed to survive the week
  • somehow made it back to Indiana in one piece

It was my only real spring break trip and it was amazing!