Wading Through...

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Blog-Tember Day 4: Currently

Prompt: What are you up to currently? I have examples here and here.

I'm using Bailey's template to highlight my currents

Reading...The Residence by Kate Andersen Brower. My lovely gift exchange partner sent me this book about a month ago. Excited that it's finally come up on my TBR pile.

Playing... trains and cars with the toddler. Shooting for daily play while I can still fit it in.

Watching... The 100 Season 3. As J is out of town for the next two weeks, I've been indulging in shows I know he wouldn't want to watch. Along with The 100, I'm trying to catch up on Outlander and random movies.

Trying... to keep Arthur occupied and stimulated in these few weeks before his life really changes.

Cooking... freezer meals for October and November. I'm trying to fill the freezer before Quentin arrives next month.

Eating... whatever I want. As J is gone, I only have to make food for myself and the toddler. I'm thinking stuffed mushrooms for tomorrow.

Drinking... lots of flavored sparkling water. I'm constantly drinking plain water, but often need a bit more something. The carbonation and slight flavor help me stay hydrated throughout the day.

Texting... a fellow pregnant mom friend as she waits for her baby to be born.

Pinning... a whole collection of topics including card designs, bullet journal ideas, and recipes. My goal is to constantly curate and try out the pins I put on my boards.

Going... to the zoo on Tuesday. Hope I can survive the hills while this pregnant.

Loving... quiet evenings after Arthur goes to sleep. Sometimes I watch tv, sometimes I read.

Hating... how hot I am constantly. Seriously I'm always hot. Hopefully my temperature goes back down after the baby's born.

Discovering... I'm needing even more sleep right now. Must go to bed tonight before 11...

Thinking... about the best way to introduce Arthur to his new little brother. Should he come to the hospital or wait until we come home? Hmmm... still deciding.

Feeling... a bit overwhelmed right now. My due date was changed and the c-section has been scheduled. Plans have been moved up almost two weeks.

Hoping (for)... a comfortable few weeks as Quentin finishes his time in utero.

Listening (to)... the Hamilton soundtrack constantly. Arthur even loves it!

Celebrating... almost reaching full term with this, my last, pregnancy. We're getting so close.

Smelling... the stinky trash in the cans. Thank goodness tomorrow is garbage day.

Ordering... nothing at the moment, although I will need to get Arthur some new shoes. May end up buying them online.

Considering... my long to-do list before the baby arrives. I may end up moving some things around.

Starting... my October design team cards. Wait to get them finished way before baby comes.

Finishing... a yummy apple pie. Not J's favorite, so I'm indulging while he's out of the country.