Wading Through...

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Pregnancy Update at 30 Weeks

Due Date: October 5th

Weight Gain: 17 pounds. Decent progress so far.

Symptoms: Scar tissue pain - constant and at times almost unbearable.

What's different this time: Thankfully no baby hiccups yet. Arthur had them constantly and it really got old after awhile.

Cravings/Aversions: I've been craving all the sweets lately. I've been baking up a storm.

Sleep: The past two weeks, my sleep has gone downhill. I'm up at least four times a night due to being uncomfortable.

I am loving: A beautiful baby blanket a crafty friend made me. Perfect in yellow, gray, and white.

I miss: Beer. With the temperatures in the 90s, I've been craving a refreshing beer.

I am looking forward to: The hear breaking. I'm hot all the time and it's so incredibly uncomfortable.

I'm spazzing about: Or still indecision when it comes to a name. I like to plan things ahead of time. Hoping we can get this settled soon.

Milestones: Um... I got nothing this week.

Movement: This kid is super crazy all the time. Last night, he was doing barrel rolls and it was so very painful. But I am glad I can feel him multiple times a day.

Preparation: Arthur has been moved to a big boy bed! Amazingly, it went relatively painlessly. He's gotten up a few times, but either right when he goes to sleep or after the sun comes up. J moved the crib to the twins' room where it will stay for a few months after the baby comes.

Baby’s (name pending) Stuff: Other than moving the crib, I haven't gotten anything else for the baby.