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Pregnancy Update at 28 Weeks

Officially I was 28 weeks on Wednesday, but my appointment wasn't until yesterday so I thought I would push my post until today.

Due Date: October 5th -- I'll be having another c-section due to scar tissue concerns. This baby is coming sometime the week of October 5th. We'll discuss a specific date as it gets closer.

Weight Gain: 16 lbs -- Decent for me. I stated out heavier than I've ever been and was hoping to keep my weight gain under 20 lbs. I will probably end up more like 25 lbs, but I'm okay with that.

Symptoms: Random nausea, fatigue (probably due to chasing a toddler), carpal tunnel at night, near constant scare tissue pain

What's different this time: I have a toddler to take care of! Well that and my scar tissue has been causing pain from week 1. With Arthur, I didn't feel it until almost 7 months along. I've resigned myself to dealing with the scare tissue pain. Most days it's a dull ache although it can get quite intense.

Cravings/Aversions: Like all my pregnancies, I'm so into fruit! I could eat fruit all day long. Thank goodness we live in California where it's decently cheap.

Sleep: Meh. Some nights good, some nights bad. I consider it a good night if I only have to wake up to pee once or twice and immediately go back to sleep. Some nights I suffer from insomnia...

I am loving: Baby kicks

I miss: Being able to get off the couch without bracing myself

I am looking forward to: Choosing a name. We've narrowed it down to three, but are still debating the final choice. Soon...

I'm spazzing about: J has to go to Romania in September for work. He's trying to schedule it early in the month, but my goodness it will be close to my due date.

Milestones: Third trimester has started!

Movement: This kid is super active. No problems doing my kick count.

Preparation: Haha! Not really any prep going on right now. We need to transition Arthur out of the crib this month so that will be open for the baby.

Baby's (name pending) Stuff: A crafty friend make me a beautiful gray, yellow, and white baby blanket. It's so soft and snuggly! Can't wait to use it.

Taken on Wednesday before heading to the park. Excuse the wet hair and bathroom decor.