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The Manhattan Projects Volume 3-5

Title: The Manhattan Projects Volume 3, 4 The Four Disciplines, 5 The Cold War

Author: Jonathan Hickman, Nick Pitarra

Publisher: Image 2013; 2014; 2015

Genre: Graphic Novel

Pages: 152; 144; 144

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Read My Own Damn Books; Graphic Novel

What if the research and development department created to produce the first atomic bomb was a front for a series of other, more unusual, programs?

It's the fourth volume of the world's greatest secret science history, The Manhattan Projects! "The Four Disciplines" follows our fractured cast as they focus on their own diverse, secret experiments and global power plays resulting in inevitable betrayal.

It's the fifth volume of the world's greatest secret science history, The Manhattan Projects. "The Cold War" reveals the dark days of the 'real' Cuban Missile Crisis, the assassination of an American President, and the end of the Manhattan Projects-Star City alliance.

Three more awesome volumes of The Mahattan Projects. So many twists and turns. The storyline wraps up a few threads and begins a few others. Plus, we get to see what happens to the Soviet-American alliance and what's out there in space. I sped through these three volumes on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to see what happens next!!!