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Sunday Sunset #29

Listening To: Christmas music! The car radio has been set on the Christmas music station. Loving it!

Book finishedSoulbound; Body and Soul; Fables Vol. 20

ReadingDragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon (yep, still)

On the Nightstand: Fairest Vol. 5; American Vampire Vol. 4-7

Making Lists: Meals, blog ideas, craft class ideas, 2016 projects, etc. It's time for my big blog break. I usually take the break to plan ahead for the next year and take time to brainstorm. This week I've been working on meal planning for January through March and craft classes.

From the kitchen: Nothing as my mom has been cooking or we've been going out. I am looking through my Pinterest board for a good bog batch Christmas cocktail...

Crafting: I received my SU preorder this past week and can't wait to dive in. I'm playing around with some designs for my swap cards. Nothing definite yet, but I'm hoping to do some crafting soon. And I have a few holiday albums to complete before we leave.

Watching: PBS cartoons. Arthur's been enjoying a bit more television while we're here in Indiana. As for me, I've been starting Season 3 of Sleepy Hollow. Hoping to get caught up before I go back to California.

From Nature: Flew from California to Indiana and didn't change temperatures. So weird! We've had temps in the 50s for the first part of this week and then it dropped to the mid-30s. Mid-30s this normal for December. Hopefully it doesn't get super cold while we're still here.

Project: So many projects! I'm working on a ton of new projects and ideas for 2016.

Picture: The twins and Arthur hanging out at one of our Christmas get-togethers last weekend.