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The Prince Kidnaps a Bride by Christina Dodd

Title: The Prince Kidnaps a Bride (The Lost Princesses #3)

Author: Christina Dodd

Publisher: Avon Books

Genre: Romance

Pages: 362

Rating:  3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: TBR Reduction; A to Z: P; Seriously Series

Betrothed in the cradle, Princess Sorcha and Prince Rainger were destined to rule their countries together. Then revolution sent Sorcha to a remote Scottish convent—and Rainger into a dungeon so deep rumor claimed he was dead.

Now danger threatens, and Sorcha must travel home with a simple fisherman as her companion—Prince Rainger in disguise. Changed by his imprisonment from a careless lad to a dangerous man, he's determined to win back his kingdom—and the woman he wants more than life itself. But can he protect a woman who believes every person she meets is her friend, every tavern is an opportunity to sing bawdy songs, and each turn in the road hides new adventure? To keep his princess safe, he must resort to his most treacherous weapon: seduction.

Well I finished the trilogy. This wasn't the best at all. I hated Sorcha and Prince Rainger annoyed me in this volume. The entire set-up of their relationship really bugged me. I just couldn't understand the continual lying and disguises. And some of the interactions were just ridiculous! Oh well. Another series I can cross off my list.

The Lost Princesses: