Wading Through...

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Currently #16

Watching: J and I waited until the second half of the two parter had aired before we watched Doctor Who. Really enjoying this season much more than last season.

Reading: After some nonfiction and more serious books, I took a breather with a few fluffy romances.

Listening: Arthur and I have been jamming out to Florence + the Machine this morning.

Making: I'm super behind, but I finally started September's Project Life pages. And Arthur's album is two months behind.

Feeling: Going on five days of a massive migraine. I am so over this! A new acquaintance told me to try acupuncture. Maybe I'll attempt to find someone...

Planning: The bazaar is only two and a half weeks away. And we've got a lot to be done before then. Plus, I'm selling my Thirty-One and cards.

Loving: I randomly grabbed some dark chocolate pomegranate seeds from Trader Joe's last week. So incredibly yummy!