Likes: Cupcakes! Baby, giraffe, and pooh bear. Reading all the books!
Dislikes: Naps. Not eating all the cupcakes/cookies.
Sleeping: Every few days, Arthur wakes up in the middle of the night crying. If I go in, he screams more. If J goes in, he usually goes back to bed. Hoping that this stage ends soon...
Eating: It's really hit or miss. Some days he eats anything and everything. Other days, he picks one food and that's all he will eat. Typical toddler behavior, but man does it annoy me somedays.
Playing: We are entering the realm of imaginary play, help us all! He's actually starting to get playing with others. Thank goodness I bought him more vtech track for his cars. He loves it!
Doctor Visit Stats: Arthur had his 2 year old appointment on Monday. We measured out at 30 lbs and 35 inches! No vaccines this time, but we did opt for a flu shot for Arthur and myself. The tech was incredibly quick. Arthur didn't even cry! Barring any illness, Arthur doesn't have to go back to the doctor until next October.
Schedule: Life is so busy with a toddler! We usually have a full day of stuff even if that includes laundry and making dinner.
Out and About: We've been all about our usual parent group activities and outings. My current favorite place is Habitot in Berkeley. It's so amazing! We can't wait to go back soon. As the temperatures start to get cooler, we're taking advantage of all the park time that we can!