Wading Through...

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Currently #15

Watching: J and I only have 3 more episodes of Merlin! What are we going to do when it's over? I suppose just pick another show to binge watch, but it's still sad...

Reading: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke. It's been on my list for years now. I finally got around to reading it. Good, but my goodness it is long...

Listening: I started at the beginning of Elise Blaha Cripe's podcast Elise Gets Crafty. I'm enjoying her discussion of small business and creativity. I'm about halfway through all of them and really enjoying these podcasts.

Making: I'm doing the last of my Halloween cards. I wanted to make one for each kid coming to the fall social on Saturday. I need about five more cards. Plus, it gives me a chance to use up some of my Halloween paper.

Feeling: The past two weeks have been insane. Now that the retreat and Arthur's birthday party is finished, I'm feeling much calmer.

Planning: I'm coordinating and participating in one and participating in another craft fair. I need to reevaluate my inventory for them and decide my game plan. I also have a ton of tasks for the one I'm coordinating.

Loving: Arthur's being supper snuggly lately. I love it!