Wading Through...

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Arthur: 23 Months

Only one month until my crazy one turns 2! I've almost finished planning his party. We're so excited to celebrate!

Likes: Baby, pooh, and blankies -- loves his lovies; Daniel Tiger, Sesame Street, and Super Why

DislikesStaying in the house, not going anywhere -- He loves to go out and do activitie

Sleeping: We've had a few rough nights in the last month. Thankfully it doesn't happen often, but those nights are killer! And he's not been taking naps at all lately. I'm guessing that the days of two hours of quiet in the afternoon are gone.

Eating: He's been a garbage disposal lately. I'm thinking a growth spurt it on it's way. His favorite foods right now are peanut butter sandwiches and cheese.

Playing: Last week we were at a planning session at a friends house. Arthur had so much fun running around with his friends. Their special game was playing in a plastic bin. Aw the imagination of littles!

Out and About: This past month has been about our favorite places (Oakland Zoo, Happy Hollow, park, library). On Thursday we are going to check a great indoor play place in Berkeley. I bought a Groupon saving 50%. I love when I find those deals. I hope Arthur enjoys it!