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Blog-Tember Day 12: Currently

PromptWhat are you up to currently? 

I usually do my own Currently posts every couple of weeks, but I'm going to follow Bailey Jean's format this time.

Reading... Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin; loved The Happiness Project, hoping this one is just as good!

Playing... Trains with Arthur. He loves setting up the tracks and zooming all the trains and cars. I'm thinking another train track set for his upcoming birthday.

Watching... J finally got me to start watching Merlin. We're into the 2nd season and I am hooked. If we don't have a new Mr. Robot or Last Week Tonight, we watch Merlin. We'll blow through this series very soon!

Trying... to schedule all the activities. September is 100% booked and October is about 75% booked. I'm hoping for a lighter November to catch up on some things like reading.

Cooking... New favorites. The past week was my off week for meal planning and groceries. Every few weeks we eat all the random stuff in our fridge which usually translates to simple meals (spaghetti and meatballs, etc). This week is all about my new favorite dishes to make: chicken parmesan, black bean soup, cajun stuffed chicken breast, etc.

Eating... Yummy bagels for breakfast. I go back and forth for breakfast foods, but my current favorite is a bagel with cream cheese, coffee, and piece of fruit. Yum yum!

Drinking... More water. I've been trying to stay away from pop and other sugary drinks (although I'm not cutting them out completely). I bought Arthur and myself new Camelbaks a few weeks back. Trying to always keep that filled with water and within my reach!

Texting... pictures of retreat crafts to my co-organizer. We always make a few little special gifts and this time I really love the crafts!

Pinning... recipes, recipes, and more recipes. I love pinning new recipes. When I go to meal plan the next week, I often look at the pretty pins to find inspiration for our next meal.

Going... to book club tomorrow. I'm in two different book clubs: a personal one and a parents group one. Tomorrow is my personal club. I can't wait to grab some lunch at Black Bear Diner and catch up with friends. Oh yeah, and discuss the book!

Loving... Cranberry scones. So incredibly yummy with my morning coffee.

Hating... Arthur's tendency to not nap now. He's not even 2 and he's all but dropped his nap. I counted on that two hours to get some blog work or cleaning done.

Discovering... new place places around Castro Valley. A few hidden gems to check out soon.

Thinking... about needing to look for Christmas plane tickets to Indiana. It's coming up soon! I need to buy my tickets before the prices go up!

Feeling... stressed but in a good way. I love planning all these projects and activities. I just need to tackle them one at a time.

Hoping (for)... more sleep. I haven't been sleeping very well. Hopefully next week goes better.

Listening (to)... Octane on Sirius XM. Arthur and I haven rocking out to Saint Asonia, Highly Suspect, and Nothing More.

Celebrating... fall. I love fall. Now to get myself a pumpkin spice latte!

Smelling... my coffee brewing.

Ordering... last minute birthday party supplies. Arthur's party is coming up soon. I've been getting all the last little non-perishable items.

Thanking... about my plan for December Daily this year. Should I do three gift albums again? Or change the format to something else? And what form should my December Daily take?

Starting... to plan my October greeting cards and monthly goals.

Finishing... My greeting cards for September. Only one to finish to fulfill my design team responsibilities.