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Blog-Tember Day 3: Welcome to My Blog!

Prompt: Create a collage or inspiration/mood board that describes your blog.

I spent almost an hour the other night trying to put together a mood board. I was just about finished when I somehow deleted the entire thing. Ugh! Such is life some days. Instead of redoing the mood board, I am going to just highlight some of the features on my blog.

First and foremost my blog is about books. It is a way for me to record what I have read, what I loved, and what I didn't love. I loved participating in reading challenges and readathons. (Side note: It helps me avoid rereading books that I have forgotten that I've read) It was also a way to get into blogging in the first place. As I have added other features and focuses, books have stayed in the background but as an always present feature.

The blog has also evolved as a way to records family updates. Currently I have a monthly Arthur update post. Once he turns 2 in a few months, I will do those at most once a quarter. But I also hope to just have more "what we are doing as a family" type posts.

I love television and movies. At least once a year I do a new movie month where I try to watch 30 new-to-me movies. I also occasionally highlight some of my favorite movies. I don't record much of the television shows that I watch, but I do usually mention them on my Sunday Sunset posts.

I started making outfits using Polyvore last year. I love playing with clothes, especially things I would never own or wear. Sometimes I like to do theme series (like my Pride and Prejudice characters series). I also recently documents my summer capsule wardrobe adventure. And I highlight my first Dia&Co box this past week. You may see more pictures of what I actually wear on here.

In April I joined as a consultant for Thirty-One. I haven't mentioned it much on the blog yet as I was getting my footing. Now that a few months are under my belt, I want to do more to highlight Thirty-One's great products. If you want see more, click on the button on my sidebar.

One of the newest aspects of my blog is writing. I've been embracing my identify as a writer. One of my goals for this fall/winter and next year is to write more. Whether that be more detailed blog posts, journaling, or possibly a book, I want to cultivate my writing self I think this month's challenge is a great start.

Lastly, you will occasionally see craft highlighted on the blog. I usued to post the greeting cards that I made. With my joining Stampin' Up as a demonstrator, I wanted to have a dedicated space for my crafting projects. I left some of my old projects on this blog, but started my own crafting blog over at The Craft Sea. Click on over to see what I make!