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OLW Catch-up

Let's take a look at what I did the past few months for my OLW. This year's focus is HOME. I got a bit behind and needed to catch-up and focus again.

My monthly intentions:

1. Twins' Room (May) -- I finished putting their room together before they arrived in early June. Done!

2. Twins' Scrapbooks (May) -- I started tackling their scrapbooks in late May and completely caught them up by the end of June. Such a huge task and it's now finished!

3. Summer Bucket List (May) -- Completed and things have been checked off already.

4. Library (June) -- My goal was to update my physical library both physically and digitally. I took a bag of books to HPB and started another one. I also made a spreadsheet of all my in progress and owned series complete with notations as to which volumes I need, which ones have been read, and other info. There's not a ton of picture proof, but I finished a few tasks from my list.

5. Catch Up PL Albums (June) -- I caught up all of our albums in June, but of course now we're not all done. That's okay, I've printed my pictures for June and am planning on finishing those pages next week.

6. Revisit Craft Area (July) -- This goal is next on my list for July. I especially need to organize the kids' crafts cabinet, paper cabinet, and random office supplies cabinet.

7. Closets (July) -- I tackled the black hole of a downstairs hall closet. I guess it's the coat closet, but considering we live in California, we don't use it for that. It's become a giant catch-all place that was out of control. I pulled everything out, filled an entire trash bag for garbage and one for Goodwill, and placed the things were were keeping back. And I even found space for my large Thirty-One box that holds all my party supplies. I call that a success!


— I fed my creative side and joined a Design Team in July. Plus, I've been challenging myself with new card techniques, layouts, color combos, and designs. I've really gotten back into my card making this season. So excited!

My OLW Pages:

May - The prompt was "I Am." I chose to explain who I am in nine cards. Pretty simple prompt, but it was still fairly difficult. For the art element, I wanted to make my cards colorful. I inked up my brayer and covered the cards in a variety of ink colors. I added some washi tape as a little embellishment. I had fun making my "I am" cards. They helped to focus me for the coming months.

June - The prompt included a variety of questions. It was sort of a check-in with my word. It took me longer to fill out than I thought it would. The questions helped me recenter my intentions for the second half of the year. I definitely have things to work on...

July - The prompt was focused on music. I adore music and always find that songs speak to me. For this month, I combed through my iTunes library (and a bit of Spotify) to pinpoint nine songs that speak to my work of "Home." I added a small tag and some washi tape to compliment the song lyrics.  This prompt was the most fun one yet. Loved it!