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Sunday Sunset #15

Listening To: Silence. I love getting up before everyone else and checking my email, Pinterest, etc in peace.

Book finishedThe Dark Glamour; What If; The Age of Innocence; Bait and Switch; The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up; The Lost Soul; Witches; The Art of Steampunk; The Night Circus

ReadingHighlander Unbound by Julia London

On the Nightstand: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

Making Lists: Groceries. It's grocery day in the house... Here's to hoping I get to go alone without all the kiddos.

Around the house: No big changes, but it's house clean day. There's a long list of chores on the fridge and everyone gets to participate. I'm a super popular person today, ha ha!

From the kitchen: Nothing exciting. Although I'm getting back on the smoothie bandwagon this week. I miss waking up and making a yummy smoothie. My grocery list contains a few new green smoothie recipes as well as a new dessert and two new dinners. We'll see how they turn out.

Watching: J and I officially finished Farscape this week. I can't believe the ending before the miniseries. Ugh! I was about to throw something at the tv and I knew there was more. It was a good series, but now it's over. Time to start something else. Beyond Farscape, we started watching Mr. Robot and I am definitely hooked. J and I have some theories about what is really going on, but we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

Wondering: What should we do on our day trip into SF? I'm thinking the Musee Mechanique (request from twins and my mom), but then maybe North Beach for lunch?

From Nature: The high temps seem to be fading back into the high 70s, low 80s. Guess we can turn the AC back off and open the windows. I love having the windows open.

Project: Planning the twins' last two weeks here. We have a ton of activities and errands to fit in. Plus, my mom arrive next Saturday. Busy planning her week with trips into SF and a winery day.

Picture: Arthur and his cars.