Listening To: The twins' crazy stories... they are so weird sometimes!
Book finished: Fire; Dead Wake; The American Plate; The Martian
Reading: 666 Park Avenue by Gabriella Pierce
On the Nightstand: Minimalist Parenting by Christine Koh; The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
Making Lists: Grocery lists, twins' to-buy list (growing out of clothes!), library books to keep track of, my craft projects with due dates, summer TBR piles, shows to watch. It's a list bonanza around here!
Around the house: We've instituted a bit of a chore routine for the summer and I think it's going really well. Everyday one twin helps me cook dinner and one twin helps J clean up. Then the next night they switch. So far, we've had minimal complaining... I think it helps that I started this the day they flew in and have kept it consistent. The only day so far that we haven't done the routine was Friday night. We got takeout from Panda so no cooking and minimal clean up. But Saturday it was back the routine. I've also had them do one small chore each day. The other day one swept the dining and kitchen areas and the other collected all the trash from the house. Small, but chores that really help me keep the mess at bay with five people in this house.
From the kitchen: Nothing major to report. I stuck with some tried and true recipes for the twins' first week. Next week will be more of our tried and true recipes. With everything going on, attempting something new and complicated doesn't sound like much fun. But maybe, I'll try a new dessert or breakfast pastry...
Watching: The first night here, the twins and J watched The Fifth Element while I went to a board meeting. From there, we started watching Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown. I started watching it when J was at motorcycle class and the twins joined me. They actually seem to enjoy learning about other countries even if they won't admit it.
From Nature: Warmer temps this past week allowed the twins to spend a ton of time at the pool. Mostly they went down while Arthur was napping. I'm hoping to get down there soon and enjoy the lovely water.
Project: We're working on confirming our bucket list items. So far so good. We've already checked off the library, pool, and mini golf in the first five days!
Picture: Awesome mini golf action shot!