Likes: Playing with everything! All the food. Bath time.
Dislikes: Not being able to eat constantly. Staying in the house all day.
Sleeping: Doing well again. Usually he sleeps from ~7:30pm to ~7:00am with no wake ups in between. I am loving this new schedule. Thank you Arthur for sleeping so well!
Eating: Arthur's been trying all kinds of new foods. I love his willingness to try even if he doesn't always like the food.
Playing: Seeing a bit of struggles over toys with friends, but they usually work it out. I prefer to allow the kids to try to work it out before stepping in. Thankfully Arthur isn't particularly violent when it comes to these disagreements.
Schedule:Argh! We still haven't found a good schedule for each week. We still drive down to South Bay 2-3 times a week for activities. I'm seriously thinking about starting my own parents' meetup group when I return from Indiana. If we don't have a daily activity, Arthur gets very antsy. Thankfully grocery shopping counts as an activity.
Out and About: This past month we hit a few new parks and a fun special place, CuriOdyssey. In a few days we are traveling to Indiana for an almost month long visit. Hopefully we have add some fun activities to our wrap up next month.