Title: Craigslist Joe
Year Released/Rating: 2012
Directed By: Joseph Garner
Genre: Documentary
Star Rating: 4/5 stars
Where I Got It: Netflix
Summary: In a time when America's economy was crumbling and sense of community was in question, one guy left everything behind to see if he could survive solely on the support and goodwill of the 21st century's new town square: Craigslist.
It started out a bit cheesy and weird. But as the month passed, I became more invested in Joe's connections. I loved seeing all the weird and wonderful people he met through Craigslist. The documentary renewed my faith in the human race. People are willing to help if you just ask. After watching, I had to check out our local Craigslist page. I didn't find anyone to help today, but I'll remind myself to periodically check...