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NMJ #9: Half the Sky

Title: Half the Sky (Part 1)

Year Released/Rating: 2012

Starring: Nicholas Kristof

Directed By: Marco Chermayeff

Written By: Michelle Ferrari

Genre: Documentary

Star Rating:  5/5 stars

Where I Got It: Netflix

Summary: HALF THE SKY is a passionate call-to-arms, urging us not only to bear witness to the plight of the world's women, but to help to transform their oppression into opportunity. Our future is in the hands of women everywhere.


Very emotional look at the issues women face around the globe. I was conflicted as to the style of the documentary. Having the celebrities as connections for the audience felt very forced to me. I just couldn't get behind that part. The stories from actual survivors were harrowing and yet inspiring. I couldn't look away from those... Very moving.