For this year's reading challenges, I decided to do something very different and drastic. I am going to read women authors. I feel like I've been neglecting all those wonderful female authors sitting on my shelves. I will be tailoring my challenge participation to account for this overall goal. I do have a few exceptions. I may read a male author if 1) I've already started the series and desperately want to finish it (i.e. Song of Ice and Fire) 2) It is a book club selection (out of my hands) or 3) If it is a male author writing nonfiction specifically about a women subject (e.g. a biography of Kate Chopin). Other than those three exceptions, I want to discover some wonderful women authors.

From The Daily Prophecy:
Yes, this is happening! I contacted Debz Bookshelf (who hosted this challenge for three years) if it was okay to take it over. I’ve never hosted a reading challenge before, so it’s all new for me and I will try to make it as fun as possible! Here are the details:
The challenge runs from January 1st – December 31st 2015.
The goal is to read fairytale retellings, but if you want you can also pick other retellings. It’s up to you what you count as a fairytale. Here are a couple of books you can pick from:my bookshelf with fairytale retellings and Fairytale lists on Listopia. You can read Middle Grade, Young Adult and Adult books for this challenge. Obviously, the book doesn't have to be published in 2015.
There are 6 different levels you can aim for:-Prince Charming: 1 – 4 books.-Magic mirror: 5 - 9 books.-Big bad wolf: 10 – 15 books.-The wise princess: 16 – 20 books.-Wicked fairy Godmother: 21 – 25 books.-Bluebeard: you are killing it! 26+ books.
Every beginning of the month I will make a link-up post where you put all your reviews in and they will have fun/informative introductions.
It’s not a promise, but there might be challenges.
Most important thing: HAVE FUN and spread the word :)
I want to get back into reading some fairy tale adaptations. This sounds perfect. I decided to got with the Big Bad Wolf level of 10-15 books. Realistically, it will probably be 10 books, but maybe more.

From It's a Book Life:
Why am I hosting this challenge? A while ago I read the first book in this series and never got around to reading the rest. Then I watched the television show this past year and realized that I wanted to read this series now more than ever. Therefore, I decided to challenge myself to finally read all eight Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon, and I didn't want to do it alone. I really couldn't find any other challenges out there this specific so I decided to create one. (I know this is kind of like a read-a-long but these books are so big I feel like it is more of a challenge.) **This is my first time hosting a challenge so hang in there.
Who can join? Anyone and everyone is welcome to join the challenge. It doesn't matter if you have read the books before and just want to re-read them or if this is your first time digging in.
How long does this challenge last? The challenge runs from Feb. 1, 2015 to Sept. 30, 2015. Why those months? Those months seem to be the least hectic for everyone. Also, I wanted to aim for reading a book a month.
The Reading Schedule (The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon in Order)February - Outlander March - Dragonfly in Ember April - Voyager May - Drums of Autumn June -The Fiery Cross July - A Breathe of Snow and Ashes August - An Echo in the Bone September - Written in My Own Hearts Blood ** If you get behind or ahead in the reading schedule that is totally fine. The goal is just to read all eight books by the end of September.
Bonus Reads The Exile - A Graphic Novel Lord John Grey Series - Lord John and the Private Matter - Lord John and the Hand of Devils - Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade - Scottish Prisoner
Will there be a giveaway? If at least 10 lovely people sign up for this challenge I will host a giveaway at the end as a reward for all of those who participated, whether you read one or all eight books. There will be a chance for extra entries if you read any of the bonus books on this list.
How do you keep track and share what you have read? Head on over to the review link up post (COMING SOON!) to share your reviews on the books! If you don't have a blog you can always just post a link to your review on goodreads or simply share in the comments what book you finished reading and what you thought.
How do you join? Sign up below with the linky anytime! All you have to do is share the link to the blog post, twitter, goodreads shelf, or whatever way you want, stating that you are going to participate in the challenge. Please link back to this page so others can join the challenge as well and see what it is all about. Feel free to use the challenge banner below in your post.
I am determined to finally read this series in 2015!