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Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale

Title: Midnight in Austenland (Austenland #2)

Author: Shannon Hale

Publisher: Bloomsbury 2012

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 272

Rating:  4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library; A to Z - M; Seriously Series

When Charlotte Kinder treats herself to a two-week vacation at Austenland, she happily leaves behind her ex-husband and his delightful new wife, her ever-grateful children, and all the rest of her real life in America. She dons a bonnet and stays at a country manor house that provides an immersive Austen experience, complete with gentleman actors who cater to the guests' Austen fantasies.

Everyone at Pembrook Park is playing a role, but increasingly, Charlotte isn't sure where roles end and reality begins. And as the parlor games turn a little bit menacing, she finds she needs more than a good corset to keep herself safe. Is the brooding Mr. Mallery as sinister as he seems? What is Miss Gardenside's mysterious ailment? Was that an actual dead body in the secret attic room? And-perhaps of the most lasting importance-could the stirrings in Charlotte's heart be a sign of real-life love?

A lovely little breezy book to start off the year right.  I didn't love this one as much as the first in the series, but it was still a treat.  We get to see some familiar characters (Miss Charming, Colonel Andrews, and of course Mrs. Wattlesbrook), plus some great new ones.  Miss Gardenside was my favorite.  I figured her twist out right away, but she was a nice character to follow.  My main issue was with the main character.  I wasn't huge fan of Charlotte, but grew to like her more as the story progressed.  The murder mystery was a bit forced at times, but was still enjoyable.  A nice companion novel to Austenland.
