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Sunday Sunset #30

It's been a few weeks since I've done one of these weekly wrap-up posts.  Thought I would try again before the crazy of Thankgiving and Christmas.

Listening To: you + me and Andrew McMahon. I actually bought two new albums a few weeks ago and they've been on heavy rotation in my iTunes. Especially loving the you + me album.

Book finished: Shadowdance; Expecting Adam; I am Malala; The Awakening; Annihilation

ReadingAuthority by Jeff Vandermeer

On the Nightstand: Acceptance by Jeff Vandermeer; Evernight by Kristen Callihan

Making Lists: November craft projects; November Pinterest projects; November meal plan; Christmas gifts; travel packing; 2015 TBR pile; moving needs

Around the house: This place is a disaster zone. We are moving in three weeks, and we've already got boxes everywhere.  Our big order of boxes doesn't arrive until Tuesday, but we've already started packing.   J keeps all the electronics boxes so they are mostly packed.  I had a ton of Amazon and SU boxes laying around for temprorary storage. Those are being packed with craft and office supplies. Once the boxes arrive, I'm packing the boys' room and the books next.  Eventually everything will come together, but man I hate moving! Hoping we stay at our new place for a few years.

From the kitchen: Nothing too exciting.  Mostly I am trying to make a meal plan from the random ingredients in the cupboards and the freezer.  The next few weeks will be a hodge-podge menu with mostly tried and true favorites. Hoping to not have to move or throw away too much food.

Crafting: I finished my 30 days of cards for October and started on my 30 days of gratitude for November.  I also need to put together my December Daily album and homemade calendars before leaving for Indiana. Check out the craft blog to see all the pretties.

Watching: All our currently airing shows: Agents of Shield, Sleepy Hollow, The League, Reign, Revenge, The 100. We finally gave up on Modern Family and I gave up on The Vampire Diaries. I'm still watching Once Upon a Time, but it may be next to go. Just getting so bored by the storyline and Emma. On the movie front, J and I are watching the Scifi Channel's Dune mini series. We watched the Lynch version a few weeks back and we wanted to compare.  Two of three nights watched and I must say that I'm really enjoying it.

Wondering: Where to store the packed boxes so as not to endanger the baby or have them be in our way?  Packing with a one year old is no fun. It took me almost an hour to pack on box because he kept needing something or trying to take things out the boxes. Now we have random packed boxes everywhere.  We need to figure out the best place to store them until the move. Maybe the boys' hallway into their bathroom. No one is using the bath right now. Unfortunately I can't move anything there until I pack those closets. Frustrations!

From Nature: Cooler temps have made it feel a lot like fall around here. Halloween was rainy (defiantly need it!), but that was okay.  Our only activity was a costume party and trick or treating indoors at the Children's Museum.  We were nice and dry. Looks like we will be back to high 70s by the middle of next week. So long fall, it was nice meeting you again.

Project: I have an entire list, but the biggest one is MOVING! So much to do before we physically move. I am determined to declutter a bit and organize a lot before rooms get packed into boxes.  Doing a decent job so far, but really need those boxes to move to the next steps.

Picture: Too adorable!  At the Children's Museum on Halloween.