Wading Through...

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Thanks of the Week

1. All my mommy friends -- I've been feeling lost in the shuffle and a bit frustrated lately.  Hanging out with some awesome ladies and their babies has helped get me back on track.

2. Starbucks -- For the pumpkin spice lattes making me feel like it's fall even though it's over 90 degrees here lately.

3. South Bay Feminist Book Club -- For providing an arena for me to express my thoughts on feminism.  This past month's discussion on transgender exclusion was very thought-provoking.  Thoroughly enjoyed the articles and the discussion.  I can't for next months reading of The Handmaid's Tale and watching of Half the Sky.

4. City of Sunnyvale -- For still having the water on at their splash pads.  I know we are in a serious drought, but when it's 90+ degrees in October, having a bit of water time is great for the littles.

5. The Milk Pail -- For selling some amazing bake-at-home croissants.  I am so addicted!