Hop on over to Booksessed to participate.
August's TBR Pile (10/15):
- Carry Over: The Little Prince √
- J’s pick: Casino Royale by Ian Fleming √
- Nonfiction: Becoming Mona Lisa by Donald Sassoon √
- Historical Pick: Washington by Ron Chernow
- Classic: The Beautiful and the Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Contemporary YA: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie √
- Series pick: Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn √
- Book to movie: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare √
- Random pick: Living History by Hilary Rodham Clinton
- Adult Contemporary: The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
- YA Pick: Sunrise by Mike Mullin √
- Fantasy Pick: Moonglow by Kristen Callihan √
- Mystery Pick: Silent in the Sanctuary by Deanna Raybourn
- Book Club Selection: The Orphans at Race Point by Patry Francis √
- Added: Reasons My Kid is Crying by Greg Pembroke √
Picture Book Roundup (I'm not planning on reviewing the picture books we read, but I do plan on recording them monthly for my reading challenge)
- Mousterpiece by Jane Breskin Zalben
- The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce
- Good Night, Monkey Boy by Jarrett J. Krosoczko
- Wolf Wanted by Ana Maria Machado
- There's a Dragon Downstairs by Hilary McKay
- A is for Autumn by Robert Maass
- Gone Wild by David McLimans
- Ah Ha! by Jeff Mack
- Three Little Cajun Pigs by Mike Artell
- The Case of the Missing Donut by Alison McGhee
- Here Comes Destructosaurus! by Aaron Reynolds
- Elmer's Special Day by David McKee
- That is NOT a Good Idea! by Mo Willems
- Olivia by Ian Falconer
1,000,000 Page Goal
Monthly Total: 3466 pages
Pages Remaining: 821,437 pages
Current Read - Washington by Ron Chernow
Books Won (0)
Books I Gave Up On (0)
Challenges Completed (0)
Comments - Very good showing for the month. I know that participating in Bout of Books gave me the push to actually focus on reading a bit more. Plus, I did encounter some really good books. Looking ahead to September, my TBR pile looks a little different. I have now joined three different book clubs, so that's potentially three more selections a month on top of my usual TBR pile. This should be interesting...
September's TBR Pile:
- J's pick: Dune by Frank Herbert (iPad)
- Book club selection: Fingersmith by Sarah Waters
- MVPA Book Club: An Abundance of Katherines by John Green (library)
- Feminist Book Club: No Turning Back by Estelle Freedman
- Carry-over: Washington by Ron Chernow (library)
- Series pick: Winterblaze by Kristen Callihan (library)
- Book to movie: Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
- Fun and Funny: The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul by Terry Pratchett (iPad)
- Comic Pick: Fairest Vol. 3 (library)
- Dystopian: Divergent by Veronica Roth (iPad)
- Adult Contemporary: The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
- Comic Pick: Soulless Vol 1
- Comic Pick 2: Soulless Vol 2
- Short Story Collection: The Mad Scientist's Guide to World Domination
- Zombie Pick: The Living Dead
- Steampunk Pick: The Mammoth Book of Steampunk