Wading Through...

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Arthur: 34 Weeks

It's the first week of the twins being here and Arthur is loving it!  He spends so much time watching them play and chasing after them.

Likes: The twins; standing at furniture; Sophie; meal times

DislikesNap time; the heat

Sleeping: We're back to waking two times a night.  It sucks.  I want to go back to either one wake up or even better, sleeping through the night.

Eating: Since the boys have arrived, Arthur's much more interested in eating real food at the table.  He now sits and eats with us at lunch and dinner.  He's tried and loved peas, teriyaki chicken, mashed potatoes, clam chowder, and green beans.  I'm loving this trend and hope it continues.  I would like him to be able to eat off of my plate at all meal times.  I hate making him separate food.

Playing: Lots of exploration and manipulating objects.  He's found the Disney Infinity characters behind the fence.  He figured out how to reach through the fence for them.  And he accidentally turned on the Xbox the other day.  Now he loves messing with it.  I think we may need to move the fence out a bit.  He also loves playing the game of "pull everything off of the ottoman." Usually it's empty but sometimes I forget.

Medical Milestones: 

  • Throwing things -- Yep.  Loves to do this although he doesn't have aiming yet.
  • Standing at furniture -- Check!  This is his favorite pastime now.  He's even started to cruise along the furniture.
  • Fear of strangers -- Nope.  So far, he doesn't exhibit any fear of strangers, but he doesn't smile at them either.

Schedule:Since the boys have arrived, nap times have gone out the window.  I never know when he'll want to go down.  This has been a struggle.  He is getting more predictable when it comes to eating times.  At least that's something.

Out and About: Check out our Summer Wrap post to see all the places we've been this past week.  We have lots of activities planned for the next few weeks.