Wading Through...

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Arthur: 32 Weeks

It was a big week for us.  We went to the Oakland Zoo for the first time.  Arthur tried out a swing for the first time.  And we both got extremely sick with a nasty cold again...

Likes: Swings! Watching other kids! Puffs!  Other people's puffs and snacks! Staying up past his bedtime! His pacifier!

DislikesGoing to bed on time.  Not being held.  Getting his face wiped.  Not being able to pull and chew on computer cords.

Sleeping: Hit and miss lately.  Being sick really creates sleep complications.  Naps have been especially difficult this week.

Eating: This week I've been giving him more food off of my plate.  We're trying more soft foods that he has to gum. So far we're doing pretty well.

Playing: Arthur's been trying his best to explore all the areas of the house that he isn't allowed to play in.  He even escaped onto the balcony and got himself covered in dust.  We now have to be more vigilant about putting the gate up in the morning.  He's also loving playing with his balls and all the teethers.

Medical Milestones: 

  • Repeating sounds -- Sometimes.  He's a pretty serious kid, but every once in awhile he does get to babbling.
  • Holding two objects at once -- Check! He often grabs two toys and then doesn't know what to do with them.
  • Starting to understand cause and effect -- Check! He loves playing tug of war.  He also tries to grab my computer and then looks at me...  He knows he's not supposed to play with it.
  • Lifting arms up when wanting to be picked up -- Check!  All the time!
  • Trying to standing -- Check! He loves to pull himself up by using me and then leaning.  Standing is his favorite position now.

Schedule:Being sick really messes with the daily schedule.  Naps are varied.  Bedtime is all over the place.  The only times I can count on are wakeup (6:00am) and cranky time (5:30pm and after).

Out and About:

  • Mariposa Park -- Playdate with baby friends
  • Cuesta Park -- Walk and playdate
  • Oakland Zoo -- First time.  We went with Arthur's friend and his mom.  Tons of fun!
  • Lots of walks around the complex, dog run, and neighborhood.