Wading Through...

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Arthur: 5 Months (22 Weeks)

It's already been 5 months...  Time has flown!  We've had a ton of new developments this past week, but the biggest has been forward mobility.  Yep, he's almost crawling!  We are in so much trouble.

Likes: Our baby friends, the giant sock monkey, food of any kind, walks

DislikesNaps, playing by himself, waiting to eat

Sleeping: We've settled into a decent routine.  He goes down at 7:30pm, sleeps until 4am, eats, then sleeps for another 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  I can deal with this.

Eating: We're branching out with our variety of foods.  We've cycled through prunes, pears, green beans, and sweet potatoes this week.  He even tried a bit of scrambled egg and some baked oatmeal last night.  He loved it!  I'm hoping to transition him to more and more regular food and less purees within the month.

Playing: He finally figured out how to go forward.  This has opened up his playing possibilities.  He loves scooting around the blanket finding "new" toys.  He especially loved the other babies' toys at our playdate yesterday.  So much fun!

Medical Milestones: 

  • Babies usually range from 23.5 inches long and 12.25 pounds (10th percentile) to 26.5 inches long and 17 pounds (90th percentile) -- Check!  In fact, Arthur is over this range.  I have a big baby!
  • Investigating sounds -- Check!  Up until now, he hasn't cared about the train going by every few minutes.  Now, if we're in the living room, he stops and looks out the window.  He can't see the train from the living room, but he definitely knows it's there.  He was super excited to see the trains going by when were at the cafe the other day.
  • Raking the floor to get at objects -- Check! He's moved beyond this and actually grabbing things.
  • Loving the mirror -- Check!  One of his favorite toys.
  • Developing object permanence -- Check!  He loves playing peek a boo.

Schedule:We're down to 2-3 naps a day.  Usually the first one is around 9:00am.  The second can be anywhere from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.  It all depends on the day.  Thankfully bedtime and wake-up time is fairly set.

Out and About:

  • Shoreline walks -- We're doing this twice a week now.  The weather is so gorgeous.  It's great to get out into the fresh air and get some exercise.
  • Lynn's house for co-op board meeting -- We got a ton of business done and the babies had fun playing with each other.
  • Corner bakery -- I met a few moms to plan out the upcoming Easter Party.  We got through our business and even had a nice lunch (moms and babies).
  • Playdate at Mariposa Park -- We had a lovely playdate at the park.  The moms put down picnic blankets and let the babies crawl around and explore.  It was a great success!  We can't wait until the next one we can attend.