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Sunday Sunset #4

Book finishedTithe; The Nanny Diaries; Sharp Objects; Iron Legends

ReadingTime Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein, The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa

On the Nightstand: Wicked by Gregory Maguire; Bloodlines by Richelle Mead; The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen

Making Lists: Daily to-do lists.  I am loving using Thyme is Honey's Daily pages.  I take the time to fill it out the night before.  Then, all I need to do is glance at it throughout the day.  It doesn't mean that I actually get everything done that day, but at least I know what I want to do and can prioritize my tasks.

From the kitchen: I'm still trying to add one or two new recipes in per week to build up our go-tos.  This past week I added in a pasta primavera coffee cake, and ham potato and barley soup.  All three are going into the go-to box (albeit with some slight modifications).  I have another few recipes to try this coming week and then maybe I'll take a bit of a "new" break to go back to some standards.

Farmer's Market Finds: Saturday morning J woke up early (11am) to go get us lunch at the market (sausages!), but there was no sausage guy.  He came back with some kettle corn, but then had to go get something else for lunch.  So sad!  Hopefully he will be back next week.  And I'm looking forward to peaches, nectarines, and loads of berries making their appearances at the market soon.

Crafting: I joined a Project Life Swaps group on FB and signed up to participate in three swaps (all for February!).  The idea is that you create PL cards based off of a theme, send them to the organizer, and she sends you cards from others.  I went a little overboard, creating more than I needed.  So, I decided to make some of the extras RAKs for my other PL group on FB.  Now I just need to get to the post office sometime tomorrow to send these packets of happiness out.

Watching: The usual shows, plus we completely caught up with Workaholics and Betas.  I even convinced J to get back into Game of Thrones.  We had been stuck on Episode 8 of Season 2 for months.  He always complains that it's too heavy to watch every night.  I don't see the problem.  But at least we watched the next two episodes last night setting us up for the S2 finale.  We'll catch up eventually.

Shopping Scores: I've got a big box from Amazon and a big box from Stampin' Up currently heading my way...  There will be shopping score pictures for next week!

Project: Nothing too big at the moment.  I'm just trying to be consistent with my cleaning and daily to-do lists.  So far, so good.

Exercising: Look! I added a new category!  If you read my blog occasionally you might have noticed that I had a baby a few months back (4 months and a day actually).  Since then, I have wanted to lose the baby weight plus some, but my body seems to have gotten stuck.  As such, I am trying to focus on eating right (homemade recipes are helping, also less snacking) and exercising.  Thankfully I have a standing mom's group date to at least kick off my week well.

This past week I:

  • walked 6 miles at Shoreline on Tuesday with the mom's group.  The terrain is fairly flat but 6 miles is still a good distance.  We tried to keep up the pace (~3.0 mph) and succeeded with only a few quick stops for baby adjusting.
  • was supposed to walk The Dish (very hilly trail near Stanford), but Arthur decided to get semi sick...  I just didn't think a cranky baby would take a huge walk.  So, I canceled this week.
  • danced to the Dance Central video game twice this week.  I only did 20 minutes each time, but that definitely got my heart pumping.
  • walked 2 miles on Friday.  Arthur and I walked to the library and back (had some things that were due).  It was an overcast day, but very humid.  I was definitely sweating... but it was nice to get out since I had to skip Thursday.

Picture: Happy baby from this week...  He wasn't like this all week so I treasured the happy moments.