Title: Spirited Away
Year Released/Rating: 2001 PG
Starring: Daveigh Chase, Suzanne Pleshette, Miyu Irino
Directed By: Hayao Miyazaki
Written By: Hayao Miyazaki
Genre: Animation
Star Rating: 4/5 stars
Where I Got It: We own it
- The cleansing of the river spirit is based on a real-life incident in Hayao Miyazaki's life in which he participated in the cleaning of a river, removing, among other things, a bicycle.
- The star-shaped treats the Susuwatari (black soots) were carrying are called kompeitô, a type of traditional Japanese candy.
- Executive Producer John Lasseter of Pixar supervised the English-language dubbing of the film and tried to match the actors' English-language dialog with the mouth movements of the animated characters.
Summary: In the middle of her family's move to the suburbs, a sullen 10-year-old girl wanders into a world ruled by gods, witches, and monsters; where humans are changed into animals; and a bathhouse for these creatures.
Not my absolute favorite Miyazaki, but it's still a really good movie. The high point of this movie is the atmosphere. The movie has this incredible moody atmosphere. I really fell into the movie. I feel like some of the story gets lost in transition, but it's still great.
Best Bits:
- Zeniba: [after turning Boh into a mouse] There. Your body matches your brain.
- Lin: What's going on here? Kamaji: Something you wouldn't recognize. It's called love.
- Zeniba: Once you do something, you never forget. Even if you can't remember.