Wading Through...

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Arthur: 15 Weeks

We're back to our normal routine...  Oh wait!  No we're not!  We've joined three mom's groups and have an activity almost everyday.  So excited to socialize with other moms and babies.

Likes: Checking out other babies (new favorite activity), the iPad (pretty pictures), going on walks

Dislikes:Dirty diapers (renewed his hatred for soiled pants), playing by himself, not eating mom's food (yeah, he's already interested)

Sleeping:Sunday night he slept for eight hours straight!  Of course that was an aberration.  Usually he wakes up 3 times a night. Thankfully he's been sleeping until 7 or 8am.  I can do that time.

Eating: I met a mom today who is using the baby led weaning method.  After picking her brain for awhile, I think we are going to definitely use this when Arthur turns 6 months.

Playing: Chewing on Sophie constantly (see below).  Cuddling with monkey at night.  Drooling on the taggie monster blanket.  Grabbing the hanging toys.  Fascinated by the toys on the jumper.  Flings the links around.  I'd say he's loving playing with new toys.

Medical Milestones: 

  • Rolling over -- Check!  He's got back to tummy down.  The other way not so much.
  • Reaching for and possibly grabbing a variety of toys -- He's dexterity is really improving.
  • Sucking on hands for comfort -- Always always always...

Schedule: Depending on the day, nap times are pretty random still.  I can't wait until we have more set nap times.  Although it might impede on our activities.

Out and About:

  • Walk at Shoreline -- We restarted our weekly walk with the mom's group. Walked 2.5 miles this week!  Hope to up it next week.
  • Target -- I had to return some pants.  Arthur was so good hanging out in the baby carrier.
  • Donut shop -- We popped over on Friday for yummy breakfast.  I needed the pick-me-up after a horrid sleep.
  • Brunch at Buck's -- We met some of J's co-workers for brunch.  Arthur loved watching everyone and everything at the restaurant.
  • Book club at Le Boulanger -- Hung out with Liese, Angi, and Pam.  Pam even held Arthur for the first time (he's less "floppy" now).  Plus, we walked there and back, so two more miles to my exercise tally.