Wading Through...

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Sunday Sunset #2

Book finishedHigh Fidelity; A Room with a View

ReadingLessons in French by Laura Kinsale

On the Nightstand: Living History by Hillary Rodham Clinton; Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein; A Feast for Crows by George R.R. Martin

Crafting: Wednesday was crop night.  Usually I get overwhlemed by my options and end up not getting much done.  I also always forget something.  This time I got smart at least on one point.  Instead of throwing a ton of supplies into a big bag, I made little card kits in quart size ziploc bags.  Everything I needed for a specific card except ink went into the bag.  As an added organizational tool, I found six different inspirations on Pinterest to use.  Unfortunately, I forgot my snail adhesive at home.  Thankfully Judy let me borrow hers.  Thanks friend!  I'd say even with my forgetfulness, the night was a huge success.  I made six cards using three of my designs.  Love them!

Watching: This week we've been on a Workaholics marathon.  From the beginning, we've been watching the ridiculously funny episodes.  Love it!  There's way too many references that only the 25-35 crowd would get.

Shopping Scores: No shopping this week.  Shocker after the crazy holiday season.

Project: I ordered and starting using The Daily Page from Thyme is Honey.  I love how it keeps all my lists in one place.  I'm trying to get into the habit of filling out a page the night before.  I even created a cleaning schedule and a meal plan to help me fill it out.  Now to remember to keep up with it and carry it with me.

Picture: Arthur really loves his Sophie!