Wading Through...

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Arthur: 14 Weeks

After our first full week back in California, we're getting back into the swing of our routine.  We've also restarted our weekly activities.

Likes: Laughing at mom, lots of toys, his new jumper (sorta, we're still working on it)

DislikesMiddle of the night diaper changes (it's a necessity but he hates it), getting stuck on his tummy and not being able to roll to his back 

Sleeping: It's been all over the place lately.  We had a couple of good nights with 5-6 hour stretches and then nothing.  Thankfully he's still a decent napper.

Eating: He's pretty consistent with his eating right now.  I've been thinking about when and how to introduce real food to the baby.  Right now, I leaning towards baby led weaning.  But I guess it really depends on when Arthur gets fed up with just formula.

Playing:He's still learning to love his jumper.  I turned him to a different side and he's really into the links and toys.  Plus he loves the music from his monkey bouncer.  He's been exploring more of his toys.  The wire ball and taggie monster blanket are his current favorites.

Medical Milestones: 

  • Mouthing toys -- He's putting everything in his mouth now.  Definite check!
  • Pushing up with arms while on tummy -- He just started doing this in the past week.  He's also attempting to army crawl, but can't get those legs working.  So cute!
  • Making more sounds -- All kinds of sounds come out of his mouth.
  • Noticing when I leave and come back -- Yeppers...  I get a big smile every time I go in and get him from a nap.

Schedule: I thought we were getting onto a decent schedule: sleeping for 1-2 hours stretches during day, playing/awake time for 2-3 hours, then napping again.  It was a fake out.

Out and About: We mostly stayed around the house and hung out.  On Saturday we walked down to the Farmer's Market for lunch and popcorn.  The essentials of course!  And yesterday we restarted our weekly walk at Shoreline with the mom's club.  Over 3 miles walked next to the bay.  Can't wait until next Monday!