Yearly New Year's Resolutions never work very well. They're usually too much, too long, and too ambitious. I decided to take my cue from many other bloggers and shorten my life resolutions to smaller chunks. I'm aiming for monthly goals. Some of these monthly goals will be 30 day challenges and others will be one time events. I want a nice mix of goals that are more likely to be accomplished. I started my monthly goals with January 1st, but have obviously waited until I returned to my blog to post my first month's goals.
January goals:
- 30 Day Challenge: Creative writing prompts -- I crave writing, but always seem to push it aside for other activities. I hope this makes me focus on writing if for only a few minutes a day. This is also a goal for my Day Zero Project.
- Pixar movie marathon -- On my DZP list. We received Brave and Monsters University from "Santa" for Christmas. Woohoo! Two more to add to our list.
- Create a cleaning schedule (daily, weekly, monthly) -- I need to be better at cleaning on a regular basis. I clean but it tends to clump together into one epic day after which I am exhausted. I saw the idea of daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning routines on other blogs. I love the idea! This goal is to create a schedule and then get started.
- Clean out our health and beauty projects -- Part of a year long clean out project. I want to start with the bathroom cabinets. I probably have expired make-up and other randomness that can be cleaned out.
- Take inventory of our food cupboards -- Another part of the clean out project, I need to do a serious inventory taking of our food cupboards. We have a multitude of random sauces, spices, and other things. Some may be expired. Others just need to be rediscovered so they can be used. Plus, knowing what's in there should help with grocery lists and meals planning.
- Lose a pants size -- The holidays are over. It's time to get serious about losing the pregnancy weight plus some. I gained weight after my miscarriage in fall 2012. And I obviously gained weight while pregnant in 2013. I want to get back down to my comfort zone (size 8-10).
- Take a substantial walk (1-2 miles) at least once a week -- This should help with the previous goal. I need to become more consistent with my walking. Meeting the mom's group on Mondays should help me keep this goal.