Wading Through...

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Arthur: 10-12 Weeks

Arthur and I have been in Indiana visiting with family and friends. We've been so busy, I didn't have much time to do his weekly updates.  So, I've combined weeks 10-12.

Likes:Being held (so spoiled while being here), bath time (even in a different tub), his new stuffed monkey (latched right onto it)

Dislikes:The cold (right there with you kid!), playing by himself (so spoiled right now), his new baby "uggs" (seriously kicked them right off)

Sleeping:I have been so lucky while in Indiana.  Arthur has been sleeping for longer periods during the night (usually 5-6 hours).  And our schedules have synced up a bit.  He's up and ready to play between 7-8am.  I can do those hours.  5am is a bit early for me.

Eating: Usually he eats 4 ounces every 4 hours.  But during the evening time, he cluster feeds and ends up eating ~7 ounces in 5 hours.  Crazy kid!

Playing: Since we've been in Indiana, he's noticing more and more of his toys.  He's especially loving his tambourine with a mirror in the middle.  I'm still waiting for him to actually grab his toys.

Medical Milestones: 

10 Week Milestones:

  • Responding to his name -- Sometimes, but not always
  • Recognizing mommy and daddy -- Check!
  • Grasping toys -- Nope... he tries but it doesn't really happen

11 Week Milestones:

  • Full-body smiles -- Check! He gets so excited and waves his arms when he smiles.
  • Searching for mom and dad -- Check! He follows me around the room and turns his head when I start talking.  Very cute!

12 Week Milestones:

  • Becoming social -- Check!  He's met so many new people and smiles and talks to everyone!
  • Pushing arms up during tummy time -- Nope.  He still hates tummy time.
  • Pushing legs into a standing position -- Check!  Loves attempting to stand and push his legs against things.
  • Sleeping for extended periods during the night -- Check!
  • Discovering his hands -- Check!  And also his feet.  He's still a bit confused by them, but so cute.

Schedule: While in Indiana, he switched to going to bed at 10 or 11pm and waking for good at around 7am.  Usually he takes a nap during the mid morning and one during the mid afternoon.  The rest of the time, he's wide awake or taking a cat nap.

Out and About: So many places we visited these past few weeks! Here's just a few:

  • Plane ride from San Francisco to Chicago to Fort Wayne
  • Firefly coffeehouse
  • Granite City
  • Jefferson Point shopping center
  • Target, Kroger, Half Price Books
  • The Halls, The Buffenbargers, The Waites