Wading Through...

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Arthur: 2 Months (9 Weeks)

Look who's 2 whole months old!  Seems like yesterday that he arrived and now he's mastering skills left and right.

Likes: Talking, still.  Even more cooing and gurgling going on over here.  He also really loves bath time.  We have a routine of how we do bath time.  As soon as I lay him down on the towel in the bathroom and start the water, he gets so excited.  He loves to scrunch down in the water and kick his legs everywhere.  And he really enjoys the lavender lotion massage afterward bath time. Christmas music, especially Bing Crosby's "White Christmas"

DislikesVaccinations (obviously!), waiting for a bottle to be made (so impatient!), tummy time (still not his favorite).

Sleeping: We're back to decent sleep.  Usually he goes 3-4 hours during the night, but sometimes we get a 5 or 6 hour stretch in there.  Overall, he's been good about going right back to sleep after feeding, but we've had a few fussy nights.  I think starting him in his crib on day one was a great idea.  He usually takes naps out in the living room, but I'm thinking about starting to transition him to crib naps (after our Indiana vacation of course).

Eating: Fairly consistent with our feedings now.  In a 24-hour period, he usually drinks about 32 ounces of formula.  Right on target for his age.

Playing: He's starting to attempt to hit his toys.  No real development yet, but I can feel that it's coming.

Doctor Visit Stats:

  • Weight: 13lbs, 6oz (75th percentile) -- Such a solid baby!
  • Length: 24 3/4" (99th percentile) -- Yep, you read that correct, 99th percentile!  I have one long baby. He barely fits into 3-6 month clothing because of the height issue.
  • He had three shots and one oral vaccination this time.  Took them like a champ!  Thankfully the nurse was super quick and we got them done in just a few seconds.  He screamed when it happened, but as soon as I could pick him up, he quieted down.  He was a bit fussy for the rest of the day, but nothing too horrible.  He just needed more cuddle time and his pacifier.

Medical Milestones: 

  • Smiling √
  • Cooing and grunting √
  • Rolling over -- not quite...
  • Holding head up √
  • Following objects with his eyes √
  • Staring at faces √

Pretty decent for our developmental checklist.  He scoots around on his back, but isn't super interested in rolling over.  I find him in all kinds of orientations in his crib throughout the night.  I imagine the rolling over will come soon.  I'm just afraid that once he masters that, the crawling won't be far behind...

Schedule: Still not much of a schedule, but we have started putting him in his crib for "bedtime" around 7:30-8:00pm.  Some days we also do a bath around 7:00 to get the routine started.  By 7:45pm at the latest, he gets a bottle and then is rocked to drowsiness.  This has seemed to work well with only a few nights where he woke up right after I put him in the crib.

Out and About: We stayed close to home this week as it was freezing for the area (mid 30s at night, mid 50s during day).  I ran a ton of errands in preparation for our trip, but Arthur mostly stayed in the house...

  • Post office and coffeehouse -- Nice little walk on a chilly day
  • Doctor's office -- 2 month visit

Look who's two months old this week!  Highlights from our photo shoot: