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Tanglefoot by Cherie Priest

Title: Tanglefoot (Clockwork Century #1.5)

Author: Cherie Priest

Publisher: A Tor Book 2011

Genre: Steampunk; Zombie

Pages: 34

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Steampunk; Mount TBR; Fall into Reading; 52 Books - W51

How I Got It: I own it!

Stonewall Jackson survived Chancellorsville. England broke the Union’s naval blockade, and formally recognized the Confederate States of America. Atlanta never burned. It is 1880. The American Civil War has raged for nearly two decades, driving technology in strange and terrible directions. Combat dirigibles skulk across the sky and armored vehicles crawl along the land. Military scientists twist the laws of man and nature, and barter their souls for weapons powered by light, fire, and steam. But life struggles forward for soldiers and ordinary citizens. The fractured nation is dotted with stricken towns and epic scenes of devastation–some manmade, and some more mysterious. In the western territories cities are swallowed by gas and walled away to rot while the frontiers are strip-mined for resources. On the borders between North and South, spies scour and scheme, and smugglers build economies more stable than their governments. This is the Clockwork Century. It is dark here, and different.

This was a creepy creepy little story.  I was expecting a steampunk adventure like Boneshaker.  Instead, I got a steampunk horror story.  This one definitely pushed my creep out buttons.  It involved something that looks human, but isn't human.  Holy crap!  Nice little story, but I really would have liked more...

Clockwork Century

  • #1 Boneshaker
  • #1.1 Clementine
  • #1.2 Tanglefoot
  • #2 Dreadnought
  • #2.5 The Living Dead 2
  • #3 Ganymede
  • #4 The Inexplicables
  • #5 Fiddlesticks
  • #6 Jacaranda