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Nerdy Nonfiction Quick Reviews

Title: Inside the Creative Studio

Author: Cate Coulacos Prato

Publisher: Interweave 2012

Genre: Home; Crafts

Pages: 160

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Fall into Reading; Nerdy Nonfiction -- Home; 52 Books -- W50

The professional artists and crafters of Studios Magazine give you the tools to create your own one-of-a-kind artistic environment in this best-of compilation. Learn how to find space in your home, whittle down your stash, maximize your storage and organization possibilities, and manage your stash of supplies and equipment to keep your work space functional and fun to work in. Experts will also show you how to repurpose furniture, integrate recyclables, and showcase vintage items to establish a space with purpose and personality. You will spend less time struggling with your studio, or lack thereof, and more time actually creating in your unique space.

Lots of great ideas for organizing your creative space.  My space isn't completely out of control, but I would love to reorganize it this coming year (on my big to do list!).  This book helped me start thinking about what I want...  I see a trip to Ikea in my future for early next year.

Title: B is for Baby: 26 Projects from A to Z

Author: Suzonne Stirling

Publisher: Taunton Press 2006

Genre: Crafts

Pages: 176

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Fall into Reading; Nerdy Nonfiction -- Crafts

B is for Baby honors the age-old tradition of crafting with a mix of vintage and modern-style projects for all women who buy baby gifts who want to give something meaningful and handmade. In a unique A to Z presentation, the projects are aimed at a variety of skill levels and budgets. Every letter is represented with a main project and many variations, and all have concise step-by-step directions, photos and templates.

Why do I always pick these craft books up?  Oh right, I love looking at the pictures.  To be fair, there are some very cute projects in this book.  Most of them just aren't my style (lots of pastels and cutesy things) and there was only two projects I even contemplated doing.  Cute book for super crafters, just not really my style.