Wading Through...

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Arthur: 5 Weeks

With the acquisition of the company, we have to switch insurance.  So not happy about this at all!  My 6-week post-partum appointment will still be covered under Kaiser, but we're done at the end of the month.  This means that we need to get Arthur's 2 month appointment with vaccinations scheduled before we leave for Indiana on the 17th.  To do that, we have to have his social security card which isn't processed until 6-7 weeks after birth.  We still don't have it.  So frustrating...

Likes: Staring at new things, sounds from the rattle, being talked to, lots and lots of cuddles, sleeping in mom and dad's bed (apparently, this is the magic place, but I don't want it to become a habit)

DislikesNot being held, specific noises (microwave beeping and door closing and opening, dryer door opening, dad's coughing), time between getting out of the bath and getting a diaper on (really really hates that)

Sleeping: Not going so well.  Many nights he's up every hour or hour and a half fussing and wanting food.  This does not help mom or dad get any decent sleep.

Eating: Constantly.  It seems like the thing he wants to do all the time.  Hope this growth spurt ends soon.

Playing: Tummy time is not the horrible thing that it was.  He actually seems to like it for a few minutes.  Plus, he's shown more interest in looking at his hanging toys.  I hung a chime/rattle thing from the bunk bed so he can look at it during diaper changes.  He seems to be very interested in the sounds it makes.  Still working on warming up to the taggie monster rattle and blanket.  Maybe next week.

Medical Milestones:Week 5 is all about physical developments.  Arthur is definitely using his body more.  Lots of kicking, punching, and wriggling.  He's also grabbing at things, usually my hand or his blanket.  I've seen a few fleeting smiles, but have yet to capture a good one on camera.

Schedule: We were doing pretty well with 3-4 hour stretches, but those days are gone.  Arthur has been going through something this past weekend resulting in very little consistency.  Argh!

My Recovery:After giving up my pain meds and healing well, I regressed a bit this week.  I have no idea why, but my entire body has been sore for the last few days.  Not just my incision, but absolutely everywhere.  Possibly I am fighting some kind of buy.  All I know is that I have had to take a few ibuprofen to get through the day.  Hope this disappears soon.