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Sunday Sunset #37

Listening To: Random songs from my iTunes account.  Sometimes the juxtapositions kill me.

Book finishedThe Billionaire Wins the Game; Saving Wishes

Reading: 100 Days in Deadland;The Count of Monte Cristo (still...  slowly getting through it)

On the Nightstand: The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry; Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray

Crafting: Besides doing my weekly Project Life Pages (check out October's pages), I managed to squeeze about 20 minutes in on Saturday morning for Christmas cards.  I've signed up for two Christmas card classes, so I decided to finish up my own random cards.  I knocked out three cards using lots of scraps (hurray for supply reduction!) and managed to organize my Christmas supply drawer.  I have about 45 Christmas cards done.  I think I will stop there and wait for the class cards. I may have to finish a few more before the holidays, but I don't want to overdo it this year.  Here's two of my random scrap cards.  I took these images from some cut up scrapbook pages.  I added the sentiment and the washi tape and striped scrap.  I love the washi tape on the Santa card.  Overall, I really love how these two came out and I used two large scraps that have been in the box for two years!

Watching: All the usuals... Arthur and I are really enjoying the crazy campiness that is Dracula.  Okay, so I am enjoying it.  Arthur could care less, but I'm usually watching it while he's sitting with me.

From Nature: Beautiful weather like usual.  I love being able to enjoy fall and still wear sandals.  Arthur and I went on a few walks this week taking advantage of the mild temperatures.

Shopping Scores: My order from H&M came in the mail this week.  I bought a dress for me (very forgiving for post-pregnancy bodies) and some pants for Arthur.  The tag says 4-6 months, but good graciousness the pants are huge...  Well, he'll grow into them someday.  Now I need to buy another pair of pants for his Christmas outfit.

Picture: Baby yawns are too adorable!  And he makes the cutest sighing sound afterward.