Listening To: Random songs from my iTunes account and the iTunes radio 3 of a kind: Mumford and Sons, Of Monsters and Men, and The Lumineers channel. I love the mix of artists on the channel, but iTunes radio repeats songs a bit too much for me. I think I'm going to have to stick with Pandora.
Book finished: None, still in the middle of a huge book...
Reading: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas; I may also start Billionaire Wins the Game to read alongside Count. I may need a break from Dumas...
On the Nightstand: Billionaire Wins the Game by Melody Anne, Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
From the kitchen: Just trying to make easy dinners. Using all the food that I had stored in the freezer pre-baby. It's getting to be a little sparse in there now. I may need to take a day and make a few more freezer meals.
On the Web: Attempting to start to catch up on my blogroll. I've been way behind since I took three days off from reading to have a baby. Working through my blogs when Arthur is sleeping. I sometimes even read them to him when he's being fussy. He likes being read to...
Crafting: None this week except for my weekly Project Life spreads. I'll be sharing our October pages later this week.
Watching: Along with all of our current tv shows, we finally watched Admission the other night. Not the funniest movie, but it did have a few good lines. During the day, I've been watching my soapy shows so J doesn't have to: Revenge, Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, and The Voice. And of course, we have our usual currently airing shows: Castle, The League, It's Always Sunny.
Wondering: When will these headaches go away? Damn post-pregnancy hormone changes!
From Nature: For our area, the temperatures have been all over the place. One day it's 73 and the next it's 66. Crazy fluctuations! I must say that I prefer the 66 degree days for taking a walk with Arthur. I still get so hot, I like it to be a bit cooler. And Arthur likes snuggling with his blanket.
Shopping Scores: After somehow missing the fact that it had been released, I rushed to Amazon and ordered Hyperbole and Half by Allie Brosh. I love her blog so much! I even ordered it in a physical copy to treasure all the pretties inside.

Project: Does taking care of a newborn count? If so, them I am all over that project.
Picture: Not quite sure about his activity gym yet...