Listening To: iTunes radio Chill channel. Arthur really seems to like the channel in the early morning hours. I need to make a couple of lullaby/bedtime playlists for those cranky times.
Book finished: The Angel's Game; Rose of Fire; Middlesex
Reading: Nothing yet, I'll probably start The Count of Monte Cristo tonight or tomorrow
On the Nightstand: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
MakingLists: Grocery lists. It seems they never end.
Around the house: Chores? What are those? I have a baby eating up all my time.
From the kitchen: J has actually stepped up and made dinner most nights. Thank goodness. By the time dinner time rolls around, I am absolutely exhausted.
Crafting: I started my Christmas cards before Arthur arrived, but didn't have the chance to upload the pictures. My plan is to create ~five different cards using some old templates and some class designs. So I focused on taking the design and using scraps and stamps to recreate it. Not all are exactly alike, but I'm loving the results. 35 cards down, about 20 to go!
Pictures I ordered came in the mail the other day. Inserting those finishes my introduction spreads in the PL albums. I highlighted the results in my PL Transition post from Thursday. Now I can start on my weekly spreads. I've got the first week done and am working on week 2 today. I need to remind myself to take more pictures throughout the week so I can have a few to choose from when it comes time to make the spread. As an extra helper to record our daily lives, I signed up for Oh Life. Every day they send you an email asking how your day was. You just reply to the email. The site collects your responses in an easy to read format. This helps me remember to jot down a few key things about the day and I don't need to remember where I put the notebook, etc. I'm going with a bulleted list of things for each day. Then I can elaborate in my actual journaling cards if I want to or leave it as a bulleted list of activities.
Watching: Lots of television randomly throughout the day as I'm still recovering. We caught up on some of our currently airing shows (Castle, Shield, Modern Family, It's Always Sunny, New Girl, Once Upon a Time, Sleepy Hollow, The League) and watched some old shows (Arrow S1, QI). I caught up on The Voice and The Daily Show while feeding Arthur in the odd hours of the morning. We even started a new series, Atlantis. So far, it looks not as cheesy as Legend of the Seeker, but also not super serious. We'll give it a few episodes...
Wondering: If I will ever get more than 5 hours a sleep at any one time. I know it will happen, but right now it seems like a dream.
From Nature: I'm sure it's been gorgeous outside... but I really only know what the weather is like indoors. Hoping to feel good enough to start getting back outside and walking soon. I've taken Arthur in his stroller for a walk to the coffeehouse twice this past week. Four blocks round trip is definitely my limit right now. I'm hoping to be able to increase my endurance throughout next week.
Shopping Scores: Arthur received a package of toys this week. Okay, so I ordered them on Amazon. But I figured he should have some things to play with as he gets more and more interested in the world. He doesn't really care about them right now, but they're here when he wants them. Plus they were too cute to pass up.
Project: Figuring out a routine with Arthur. My days are full of baby changing, eating, rocking, etc. I am finding it difficult to remember to eat. The curse of a new parent. We are slowly settling into a routine and hopefully soon he will sleep more during the night (or at least the early morning hours).
Picture: My favorite picture of Arthur from these past weeks. I just love this expression! I call it slightly skeptical? or angry old man face?