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Rose of Fire by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Title: Rose of Fire (Cemetery of Forgotten Books #0.5)

Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Publisher: HarperCollins 2012

Genre: Historical Fiction

Pages: 20

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Paranormal -- Dragons; Mount TBR; 52 Books -- Week 43; Fall into Reading

How I Got It: I own it!

Set at the time of the Spanish Inquisition in the fifteenth century, "Rose of Fire" tells the story of the origins of the mysterious labyrinthine library, the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, which lies at the heart of Carlos Ruiz Zafon's novels The Shadow of the Wind, The Angel's Game, and now The Prisoner of Heaven.

This is a super short story and I wish it was longer.  But it includes the same beautiful language from Zafon.  Plus we get a bit of insight into how the Cemetery of Forgotten Books came to be. Zafon crafts a fantastical story to that's more outright fantasy than the books in the series, but I always suspected that the Cemetery had a fantastical origin.  Nice little free story to get me ready to read the latest book The Prisoner of Heaven.

Cemetery of Forgotten Books