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Fall into Reading 2013

Better late than never!  I completely forgot about this challenge and am excited to find it again.  Here are the details from The Musings of a Book Addict:

The Basics:
This is a low key reading challenge anyone can join.  It runs from September 22nd - December 21st.
Here is what you need to do to participate:
Create a list of books you would like to read this fall.  This is the only requirement for participating in the challenge.  You may also wish to set some other goals (reading to your kids a certain number of hours per day or week. Maybe you have a separate stack of books listed to read to your kids or grandkids. This is not required and is completely optional.
·         Write a blog post that includes the list of books you want to read, plus any goals you may have set, and get ready to post it on your blog on September 22nd.
·         Visit The Musings of a Book Addict on September 22nd to sign up for the challenge. I’ll have an official launch post up that morning, complete with an area for you to submit a link to your personal Fall Into Reading  post, where it will be added to the master list of participants.
    If you don’t have a blog but wish to participate in Fall Into Reading 2013, you can. On September 22nd, leave a comment on the official Fall Into Reading launch post with the list of books you’d like to read/or finish this fall.  I’ll add you.  Please join us for this fun time of reading.
·         In December write another blog post to let everyone know how you did. (I’ll post an official wrap-up to the challenge on December 22nd, where you’ll be able to share your results.)
·         Finally, have fun.  Check in with the other participants to see what they are reading and get book ideas to add to your ever growing book list.  Write reviews if you want, but it is not required.

Last year I had a goal of 50 books and just made it, right at the deadline.  This year I won't have as much time to read because of the baby.  But I still want to participate.  The idea is to finish some of the reading challenges I have left over for 2013.  Overall, I am shooting for 35 books.  Here's the breakdown:

  1. The Book Thief by Markus Zisak -- in progress
  2. The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon (SubGenre; Dusty Bookshelf) 
  3. The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman (Nerdy Nonfiction)
  4. The Road by Cormac McCarthy (Dystopian; Monthly Key Word)
  5. 1984 by George Orwell (Dystopian)
  6. The Children of Men by P.D. James (Dystopian)
  7. Witches 101 by Melissa de la Cruz (Witches and Witchcraft; Monthly Key Word)
  8. The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry (Witches and Witchcraft)
  9. Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray (Classics)
  10. Gulliver's Travel's by Jonathan Swift (Classics; Dusty Bookshelf)
  11. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (Classics; Blogger Recommendations)
  12. The Billionaire Wins the Game by Melody Anne (Romance; Monthly Key Word)
  13. Her Ladyships Companion by Evangeline Collins (Romance)
  14. The Sandman Vol. 11 (Neil Gaiman; Seriously Series)
  15. The Sandman Vol. 12 (Neil Gaiman; Seriously Series)
  16. Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (Neil Gaiman; Blogger Recommendations)
  17. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman (Neil Gaiman)
  18. Boneshaker by Cherie Priest (Steampunk)
  19. Tanglefoot by Cherie Priest (Steampunk)
  20. Cape Storm by Rachel Caine (Seriously Series)
  21. Total Eclipse by Rachel Caine (Seriously Series)
  22. New Adult Book TBD (Eclectic)
  23. Fairy Tale Book TBD (Telling Tales)
  24. Fairy Tale Book TBD (Telling Tales)
  25. Graphic Novel TBD (GN)
  26. Zombie Book TBD (Zombies)
  27. Zombie Book TBD (Zombies)
  28. Jane Austen Book TBD (JA)
  29. Jane Austen Book TBD (JA)
  30. Jane Austen Book TBD (JA)
  31. Jane Austen Book TBD (JA)
  32. Jane Austen Book TBD (JA)
  33. Nonfiction TBD (Nerdy Nonfiction)
  34. Nonfiction TBD (Nerdy Nonfiction)
  35. Nonfiction TBD (Nerdy Nonfiction)