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The Dragon Men by Steven Harper

Title: The Dragon Men (Clockwork Empire #3)

Author: Steven Harper

Publisher: Roc 2012

Genre: Steampunk

Pages: 365

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Steampunk; TBR Pile

How I Got It: Library Loan

Gavin Ennock has everything a man could desire—except time. As the clockwork plague consumes his body and mind, it drives him increasingly mad and fractures his relationship with his fiancée, Alice, Lady Michaels. Their only hope is that the Dragon Men of China can cure him.

But a power-mad general has seized the Chinese throne in a determined offensive to conquer Asia, Britain—indeed, the entire world. He has closed the country’s borders to all foreigners. The former ruling dynasty, however, is scheming to return the rightful heir to power. Their designs will draw Gavin and Alice down a treacherous path strewn with intrigue and power struggles. One wrong step will seal Gavin’s fate…and determine the future of the world.

Love this series!  It's just so much fun!  Love the steampunk inventions. Love the action sequences.  Love the romance.  Love the general adventure.  This volume sends us to China and in the midst of a power struggle.  Cixi is such a fun character.  She added another fun layer to this adventure story. I warn readers that the main story arc ends with this volume, but the series seems to go on to a fourth book.  I wonder what it will be about? Even though Alice and Gavin's story seems to be ending, I'll pick up the next volume.  Steven Harper writes such great adventure stories; he's on my must-read list.

Clockwork Empire