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Sunday Sunset #28

Book finishedGuns, Germs, and Steel; Wedding of the Century; Every Day; The Peach Keeper; Selected Stories of O. Henry

ReadingThe Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen

On the Nightstand: The Host; Pride and Prejudice; American Vampire; The New Deadwardians; The Sandman Vol 6 and 7

Making Lists: Nothing new, but still working on my giant list of tasks.  Only about 8 projects left, but they are some big ones.

Around the house: I cleaned, even though it just about killed me.  I have been mildly annoyed by the amount of dust that has accumulated on the random furniture pieces (bookshelves, nightstands, etc).  I decided to tackle the dust in one day.  Well okay, it turned into more than one day because just dusting the entire bedroom and putting away clothes tired me out so much, I wanted a nice long nap.  But little by little this week I accomplished my task.  I also put the boys' beds back together after washing all the linens.  I realized I hate making beds while pregnant, but it looks so nice in there now.  All we need is a crib to complete the package.

Crafting: Another fun stamp club class.  We had some cute designs and shared our homework.  I can't wait to get my order so I can work on the baby cards.

Watching: Smallville S10; How the States Got Their Shapes; Monk S3 -- My television watching has declined greatly this past week, but I did manage to watch a few things.  On Friday night we went to the theater to see Elysium.  Not a great movie, but not horrible.  I'm anticipating my television consumption to be practically nonexistent due to the Bout of Books readathon starting tomorrow.

Pregnancy Update: 31 weeks and everything's just about the same.  I have good days and bad days.  It's the usual.  I'm working on a larger pregnancy update post for this week.  Stay tuned.

Shopping Scores: J and I ended up at Ikea on Saturday.  Unfortunately, they didn't have the crib I wanted, so I will probably just have to order off of Amazon.  We did end up buying a chair... for J.  His was ripped and sagging.  We are currently in a disagreement over whether the same chair will fit in the boys' room.  It's not a rocking chair or a glider, but it does bounce a bit.  I tried it out in the store, and I loved the feel.  If I can convince J it will fit, I'm buying one for the boys' room.  I also grabbed a ton of health and beauty products to stock up before the baby comes.  Next up: buying a crib and a stroller/car seat.